Ecco Le Marche

Never tell Mamma Graziella something that can rouse her interest, because she would immediately want to go and visit it! That’s what happened with the Big Bench of Genga! A friend of mine told me about the beautiful project called Big Benches Community Project, and there she is… climbing on a big bench!

But Mamma Graziella was not the only one, as the same did Isabelle and Erik!

In 2010, the American ex-car designer Chris Bangle built the first Big Bench in Clavesana in Piedmont. In 2009 he left the car industry to open his own design agency in Italy. Together with friends and neighbours, they designed the first giant bench located in a place with a beautiful view. One thing led to another, several people wanted to have such a bench. But they could not be ordered or purchased.

The association The Big Bench Community Project was created in 2015 and will be converted into a Fund in 2021. The latter helps anyone who wants to make such a bench.
The vision: to relive the ordinary or usual in a world where people always want new things, as children can do.

In Le Marche there are 4 Big Benches so far, and the closest to us is in Genga! (one is planned in Matelica) It is really easy to reach it: just enter the coordinates and either drive to the place or walk the so-called Aquila or the Eagle Walk.

The giant benches must always be in a panoramic location. That was also the case here:

But getting onto the bench turned out not to be that easy. Mamma Graziella tried to pull out a solution from the woods.. can you see it on the side in my dad’s picture? While Erik, Isabelles’ husband, who is 1.90m had it much easier!

Isabelle crawled up the side and other visitors were kind enough to take a photo!

Really fun and especially with that wonderful view!!! What a great initiative. Moreover, there even turned out to be a picnic spot with a playground. There was plenty of shade, so ideal for an outing on a hot summer day!

Do you want to know if there is such a bank in your area or do you want one? Just check the website and you can even find the instructions on how to build one in your own region…worldwide!


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